Water Baptisms

Every person who believes in Christ should be baptized by immersion in water. Jesus told His disciples to teach all nations and preach the gospel, including baptizing them (Matt. 28:19 & Mark 16:16). Basically...baptism does not make you a believer...it shows publicly that you are a believer. 

At Evangel, we offer Water Baptism on a Sunday morning in the spring and fall.  

Click here if you'd like to be a part of our next Water Baptism!

Child Dedications

A child dedication is an act of believing-parents making a commitment before the Lord to submit their child to God's will, and to raise them according to God's Word and God's ways. We offer Child Dedications on various Sunday mornings during the year. 

Please call the church office [514-935-9656] to register or fill out this child dedication request form.

Voting Membership

Have you been attending Evangel regularly for at least six months and would like to become a voting member? You will need to attend a mandatory membership preparation class where you will learn the history and values of Evangel and discover the importance of church voting membership. 

Evangel offers voting membership opportunities a few times a year. Please fill out this form to register.